17 October 2024

Hi Oct 17th.

 Lots of Halloween stuff about the area. Do love seeing all the different set ups on my afternoon ride abouts with Brenda da Bride. 

And rides in the country seeing the dust clouds from the farmers at work in thier fields. 

08 October 2024

8th Day of Oct

 Time flys too fast for sure. 

But,. not a lot new happening on this end. 

Still the usual afternoon ride abouts with da bride cept when she has stuff happening or me do. 

Did finish the latest batch of wine. Blackberry/rasin mix.  My taste testers says great as is. So bottled and stashed with the rest. 

Did cut both yards n the last few days. Mine and Dee's. Waiting till the grass is well dried sure makes cleaning the lawnmowers easier. LOL .  Just use the blower outside to remove grass and stuff. Then put them away in the garage. 

A surprise on the 102 road north out of Jennings where it turns west for Hathaway. The old 2 story farmhouse is no more. Wow! 

Then ride abouts in town seeing all kinds of Halloween decorations going up. 

And final picture is my present wine supply.  Think I'll take a few months off from brewing more. MABEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

I did start putting a letter on the small bottle to remember what wine it is. Some are so close visually. 

30 September 2024

Hello Last Day of September 2024

 Not a lot of new things been happening the last weeks.  

Did bang my left hand against the car door last Sunday and that's still bugging me. But on the way to healing good till I left the bandage off yesterday and lightly scraped it again. Sheeesh! Bleeding a bit so back on with the gause and tape bandaids. 

Same hand that I had cellulitues on and  operation on that problem. 

As for the garden this year. Hmmmmmmm not good none,  Must of been the type of baggaged stuff I used cause the plants didn't produce anything cept the stuff I planted in the ground at the back of the shop. 

Oh well, plans today is to pull it all out and redo the dirt/soil/stuff for next year. Plus maybe cut grass. More for something to do more than really needing it. 

But, see that the kumquats are starting to color so that's good. 

And the WINE!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow, do I have much wine at present. Not gonna make more and no place to put it. Out of bottles for sure. 
Bottled the blackberry/raisen wine yesterday.  Wife said good as is.  Will have to let a few friends do a taste test to see if leave it or modify a bit. 
The Blackberry/Raisen wine done yesterday. 

And here we have Muscadine Grape, Fig, Apple and Blackberry wines. As said, not in a bind for wine.  But still have figs, grapes and blackberries in the freezer for the future. ;-) 
So wishing all my friends out there a great October. And till the next. 

20 September 2024

 Need to start posting more here and less in Facebook I'm thinking as I'm darn near  using Face Book as a Diary 

27 August 

Went to Bubba's Chozen Frozens after mowing Dee's yard this afternoon for a wine. And talk with Bubba when he's not busy. 😉
Leaving saw this paint job on the house that being remodeled on State street a block away. Just had to go take a picture. Loved it.

28 Aug
Well, that Dr Visit went well and fast. 2nd one in 2 days. All checked out goodly and on the list for a flu shot when available. Next appointment is in Feb '25. Ditto for Lake Charles.
A trip to the graveyard to get my mile walk in. Then home and chillin'.

29 Aug
Just had to break out the canon g16 on my desk and take this shot though the window > That needs cleaning < Sigh!!!!!!!

Playing with settings on 4 of my Canon Cameras. Think I have enuff? LOL.
Left to right is order of most used. Plus one more in it's bag on the shelf behind me have not used in years.

Sep 1
Did make it till 12:15AM before feet on the floor and warming up coffee and a trip outside to see the sky. Very cloudy!
The to the shop to check wine production. A set of bubbles ever 6 seconds.
The garage to check the ride for bugs, None. Did get the sd card out of the M50 camera in my ride and the G16 camera out of Wife's ride.
Now, sip coffee and see what's on the sd cards. 😉
Going South on LA 13 yesterday did see quite a few sugarcane fields.

Well, you just know everything is beautiful when you get to the graveyard for your morning walk and a couple of birds are mating in the middle of the drive in the yard. LOL! Had to watch that till they had enuff. ha ha h a
Then a great and quick mile around the place. And wow on the getting rid of the ditch along the road by the woods.

Sept 1
Decided to try a shop with the M50 Canon though a amber sunglasses I had on the dash. Pretty Cool!

Sept 2
Well, weed eating and repairing the weed eater was on the menu this morning. Still have the back to do, and, perhaps, that will wait until after dentist appointment tomorrow at 10AM.
Later today, grass cutting for sure and mostly riding mower. LOL Might wait a day for the touchup.
For sure the chill mode today and no wine till tomorrow afternoon, Yikes.
Did have a lady ask if I made apple wine. Been a few years so that's gonna be the next wine mission for sure.
The grape doing well and still bubbling.

Both yards cut. Yes! Still have a bit of trimming to do in my yard but that's tomorrow.

Sept 3
The visit with Dr Joubert my dentist when fast and easy. Was surprise.
Home and back yard is weed eated.

Sept 4
A picture of the freezer in the Shop. Don't think I'm gonna run out of wine making stuff soon. But did get a request from a dear friend working at Loggerheads Bar for some Apple Wine. Really thinking of just doing it with apple juice. We'll see.

Sept 6
Wow! 3:05A get up finally this morning. Hearing the rain from my bed being as the window about 1 foot away.
So warming up yesterday's left over coffee and a trip outside to get my umbrella out of my ride.
A quick look about the garage and all good.
A trip to the shop for a check on stuff there. Yes, new batch of wine bubbling at a set about every 2 seconds. Gonna interesting to see how that comes out as my 1st time with apple juice in the condensed state I guess as not the clear one. But, we're another 3 or so weeks before having an idea of how it's gonna turn out.
Rain gauge had about 3 inches in it from the last 3 days so emptied it.
Only plan this morning is hunt for the rest of my umbrella's. LOL. Had about 4 of them about. Need to find and gather and in one place. Hmmmmmmmm. Thought I'd done that before. ha ha ha ha . So onwards with this fine and wet day. And see what the Winds of Maw Nature bring our way and smile for sure.
Pictures from yesterday done with phone. Say What?
Stated of Apple wine mix just after mixing all ingredients.
View up river at Loggerheads Bar yesterday afternoon while raining. TV's were out so we went an watched the river. 😉

Sept 8

Hy ya Sunday!!!!!!
Coffee brewing and a trip to the shop to check on wine and it's bubbling at a set every 3 secs so good. Bubble on Apple juice wine!
Go into the Garage and get an sd card out of camera for pictures taken yesterday while roaming.

Sept 11
T'was HI YA world at 3AM this morning! Outside to check the sky while coffee heating. Clouds headed west but my flag just hanging there so not a lot of wind. Course house would be blocking lots of wind in that direction.
Quick check on where storm is and hopefully going. So far, predictions still say Houma area landfall.

Sept 13
So what's with Friday? Need to put my addon's to the extension between the garage and shop's front cover. Hold the additions in place with vice grips and drill pilot holes for screws. Be neat to go from garage to overhang and not get wet with water coming off the garage. 😉

Sept 15
Roaming this morning and saw this set up just starting so brought wife and sis in law by to show it to them awhile ago. Wow! Then the lady flagged me down as saw i had my camera busy. Said give them another week to finish and come by " Heck, I'm coming by every day. Beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sept 16
Hello Monday afternoon! So glad to see you,. Morning kept me very busy. LOL
Lyons for some food.
Bank for some cash.
Graveyard for my walk.
Home and wash Da Wagon and vacuum it.
Put towels and clothes washing.
Hook up trailer , load lawnmower and go cut Dee's yard
Put clothes in the dryer
Wash the lawnmower and put all away.
Get clothes out of drier , fold and put away.
Mix up some of my crazy food with cantelooupe for noon meal
Wash dishes.
Next > Naptime. LOL
Pictures of lawnmower getting cleaned.

Sept 17
A pass by the house on Florance St and some stuff added.
Then the house on Academy that's gets a great decoration every year.
Mile walk about done at graveyard this morning raise a bit of sweat. Love. And visiting all my old friends there.

And the one on Academy Ave before Cutting.

Sept 20
Great noon nap!!!!!!! Most of monrning was wine work. Getting containers right, getting ingreadentes in.
Nexty on the menu is a ride about but not near what yesteredays was.
A few pictures from the wine work this morning.
And present wine stock. ;-)

Now, chill time till the next!

27 August 2024


Aug 21

Well, the lab tech was out sick so no blood work today.

To the graveyard for my walk, Had to wash my bedding this morning as I somehow stabbed my inner nose with my fingernail and bled on the sheets, pillow and mattress , just a spot on the mattress. Tried washing the blood out of the sheets and no go so in the trash. As we have so many of them and only 2 bunk beds used.

Pillow still stained a bit but drying outside.

And you can bet fingernails cut short. And filed.

Now , breakfast and next is grass cutting.

Aug 22
One garden plot, tilled , racked, grass removed and put into 2 rows. Ready to transplant some stuff. Tomorrow! Done enuff sweating for the day. LOL!
One pair of missing glasses found but damaged by the rotary tiller. Oh well, at least I now know where they went.

Aug 23
Light cloud cover hides all else in the sky. Fresh pot of coffee ready as I come in the door and head for my room.
Do have a thing or two to do this morning. 8AM to the Doctor's office for blood work. Gas up my ride. Play with the garden in the back yard transferring some of the plants coming up.
For grins, pulled my big camera bag off the shelf to see what all was in it. Bet have not used it in 3 or more years. All Canon stuff for sure. EOS Rebel T3i camera, Lens = 28x135 ( what's on it. ) Then in the bag - = 18 X 55, 55 x 250, 50 mm and a 2x Converter. No battery in the camera or Flash.
Then in another drawer, 2 old cameras unused for years. a Konica Minolta DiMAGE Z6 and a Nikon Coolpix. Can't remember the last time I used them.
The ones I do use in order of usage > Canon M50 with the 18X150 lens ( also have a 15X45 and 55X200 for it. ) < the most used. Then two Canon G16's < next in line of usage > and last a Canon SX50HS still use once in a while.
Oh yes, do take some pics with my phone and would put it a 4th most used.
While had 3 of them on my desk.
Left Canon G16 Middle Nikon Coolpix Right Dimage Z6

And for sure, not gonna run out of wine here.

Aug 25
Well back from Loggerheads Bar listening to music and songs from a guy playing. A glass of wine and a bit a talking to the two girls working. Both been there for a long time and are great friends.
A bit of rain most the way back with a good heavy shower at Lacassine.
Home, sipping on a fig wine and da bride off to see her sister and sisters Son and wife. Loaded her up with Wine for Dee. LOL

Today! An upcoming trip to my cardio peeps in LC town at 1PM.
Till the next.

20 August 2024

Hello 20th Day of August

 Wow 20th day already arrives and me with it.  YES! 

Well , did finish the Blackberry wine to the wife's taste so bottled it. 

Then , as a friend gave me 6 gallon bags of Muscadine Grapes, just had to start a batch with them. 
Now in the bubbling stage still. 

The 3 gallon container and what I have on the table from some fig and grape wine. 

Still getting my mile in at the graveyard most days.  Just so many I knew personally. Friends . Over 50 in the section I walked yesterday and 40 in the section I walked this morning.  Hate to think how many in the whole grave yard. 

A picture from my Map My Walk on my phone. From yesterday. Today was the Garden of Angels and G section in the City part. 

And did finish spading the little section behine the shop. Have no clue yets what I'm gonna plant.  Probably transfer some plant out on one of the barrels. 

Forgot what I planted in the barrels but will transfer most to the top picture. 

Next on the menu is get ready for Doctor appointment in Lake Charles. They have an ultrasound test they wish to do. ;-) AT 1:20PM. 
And that about catches me up till today on life in my world.