25 July 2014

Decided to mow the neighbors yard with the Dixon. Still muddy in the ditch so had a good time cleaning up after the fact. I guess next is the roof on my garage, It's looking pretty trashy up there I was noticing.

24 July 2014

Wow! most of the month has passed without an entry. Hmmmmmm Things that happen. Started on fig wine, reconned a different boat launching place near Moss Bluff for the up coming Big Bass day. Which, I think I have entered last night for 55 bucks.
Finally bit the bullet and bought a gas engine pressure washer and spent about an hour learning it while reading the manual. Was able to fit a 20 foot section of hose in it that I had on the old one. And , being a Craftman with a Honda engine, I can get parts for it though Sears.

One fishing trip last week that had my boat and trailer so dirty from scum on the Bayou that it took near 45 mins to clean boat and trailer.
Just had to do the Red Rose Last Supper as Red is closing it down , again , this Saturday.
There, that catches up with things. LOL!

07 July 2014

Nothing spectacular this last week. But, did have a right rear brake capillar come loose via losing a bolt getting into Rayne that cause a bit of excitement. Able to get another bolt and get back on the road to home for 22 dollars. Therefore, voiding a trip to Marice to bring a tire that I auctioned off for Drew Fontenot.

One fishing trip to the North on Bayou Nezpique with Luce brought no bites and a dirty hull. Which I washed when getting back home.

A couple runs into Vermillion Parish discovering what down some roads. And , messing up a track file and losing most of what I had traveled that day on said file. Oh well.

Fig tree started producing , a few more cukes and tomatoes in the garden scene. And the start of a couple small watermellons . Also looking like a few starts on the cantaloupes that were planted late from seeds.

Suzie has not been out in a week at least so need to do that soon.  No other plans at present as wine transfer is still a week down the line. Guess could start a batch of something else. Like Watermelon wine. Hmmmm.

01 July 2014

up at 2ish and back to bed at 4ish to rise again at 6:30ish. Slow morning with filling up the boat to 18 gallons worth. Then a trip to the bayou and current running faster than I wanted to be out in today. So, cut neighbors yard and chilled till deciding to bring tire to Southside Honda I auctioned off for Drew last Saturday. But, troubles coming into Rayne with the rear end making much noise. Made to it to the Bridgestone tire shop to have a good look and it turned out to be the right rear brake caliper missing a bolt. Got a replacement to do the job till can get the right bolt with that costing 22 bucks for bolt/washer and labor. Darn good deal. So back to the house, put boat in it's place so could park truck in it's place as was planning on hitting the bayou at daylight. Now, need to check other cap bolts and get correct type bolt for the repair today. Now, a glass of wine after just getting a haircut.