21 July 2017

July 21, 2017 already. Where does the time go? Was kinda down a bit when a good friend passed away at 67  yrs old and heart attack. Probably the only friend that still came out and visited about once a week. Oh well, life goes on.

Suzuki on the lift for maintenance work and a bad run of luck getting the right sparkplugs from a company I've used for many years. So, probably won't again.

KLR still just chuggin' away and getting it done. Starting to get a small wobble when letting go the bars around 30 mph. Probably tire wear. Been so hot out and me so lazy have not presuded it much.

Truck just keeps on trucking along and filled it up yesterday for it's monthly fill up unless I take a trip in it.

Vette is still doing great. Still get the trac.control/abs/active steering light on at times. A bit of a job to correct it for the 90% fix so it can wait till the world cools off a bit more.

Started on the driveway shed extension from the garage but that's a long term, when in the mode and the weather is right job. Was working on welding up the floor plates to the two poles yesterday and the Mig welder's feed motor quit so had to swap over to the old Lincoln stick welders and took a bit to get use to it. But, it's done and now need to measure and cut the post the right height. Perhaps this morning? Early!

Me, been doing just fine. Even stopping to do a few beers once in awhile. And wine. Want to start a batch of water melon soon. See if it comes out like the batch I made a few years ago.

And, life goes on, day to day.