27 March 2015

Pert near the whole month gone. Been a fairly busy one at that with the opening of fishing at the reserve , maintenance on equipment, gardening and riding the bikes. Not too good on catching fish, in fact so hurting pretty good in lower abdomen after the last trip. Due to too much time spend on the feet practicing pitching the bait. Need to do not so much and return to my fishin chair back in the boat instead of the little seat. But, it healed pretty good in a few days of inactivity so back on song.

Put a keel guard on the boat, heck of a job for one person but we got it done. Had a little running light out on the tounge of the trailer and took it appart  to see what it was about, being an enclosed unit , ordered a replacement from Bass  Pro  ( 2 for about 15 bucks ) and when they come in , went and tested lights with battery charger to see which one and they both be working now. Sigh! .

Craftman lawnmower stripped out plastic teeth on on drive wheel  so ordered 2 of them from Sears for 50 bucks. When getting them in , cleaned and greased and installed them. Put on a nu air cleaner from Stines for about 10 bucks and test cut some of the yard. Alls good there.

Today, we'll let it happen. ;-)

11 March 2015

With our weather, not a whole lot going on. Maintenance pretty much up on all motorized things around here. Even took the boat trailer jack apart and cleaned/greased the wheel and swivel.
What I didn't do was put a heat source in the green house for the last freeze and lost some brand new sprouts. Oh well, Just plant some more.
At least, it's not drizzling or pouring rain this morning. But, some more is on the way. Been a very wet March so far. With a bit of under 40F weather also. But, have spent more time indoors than outdoors for sure. A couple short bike rides and one boat run is about it.
time marches on! ;-)

05 March 2015

Been awhile since I've visited here. But, time marches onward. Have been able to get some bike time in on both bikes and even out in the boat yesterday in a t-shirt. Enjoyable run. Another major winter storm bearing down on us at present and have watch the temps drop 4 degrees F in the hour Ive been up. So,reckon not a lot gonna happen outside today or tomorrow.
Doing good on my No Bar for Lenten Season. Needed to get out of that habit anyway.