31 December 2023

2023 Ends today

 Yes, time has come to say YES on making it through another year and not in the ground. ;-)  

Son was in from New Orleans for Christmas and all of us loved that. His schedule only let him be here for a day plus having to go get him and return him to New Orleans as he does not drive. 

Loving the ride in the Traverse after the new fronts and proper balance job by Oustalet Chevy.  Back to driving smoothly with no wheel wobble. 

Think the wife sessions on working with her Vertigo problems in Lafayette are done. The Grandson had to take her the last trip there as I was having my newly onset Vertigo problems. Which are getting much better but still having to learn how to deal with it. 

And now with her other problem the doctor is going the diaphragm path. As with her memory problems, not wanting to chance putting her  out to do an operation.  So, we'll see how that works. But , after fitting and ordering , gonna be a week or so before they arrive for insertion by her doctor. 

And , the newest batch of grape wine is in the sewing room to take advantage of the bit of warmth there to keep the yeast happy. 

And the last batch of Fig Wine is all in the little 6.3 oz bottles as of yesterday. About 20 of them left here. 


Picture from about 3 weeks ago. 
So, let us and the winds of fate see where we go and do in this coming year. LOL Or even    if  we make it to the end of another year. ;-) 

20 December 2023

Traverse work today

 And $ 655 plus and the Traverse has new tires , replacing the the backs that had over 50K miles on them and put on the front.  With on pressure sensor replace that was not giving signals to the tire monitoring system. 

The month old fronts went on the back and they checked balance. 

So, good for quite awhile tire wise I hope. LOL! 

Then noticed windshield wiper on the right side was falling apart.  So, new wiper blades for about $79.00

Installed when getting home and all is good there. Even cleaned the windshield. 

Today it get a fill up with gas as right at a quarter tank left. 

Then , let  us see what happens with the rest of the day. 

19 December 2023

 Been a heck of a month for sure. 

Big Wife's family gathering at her sister's for Thanksgiving. Me > Nada . Don't like crowds. Took off in Da Wagon for a spin along the coast. Just felt good to be on the roads less traveled and alone. 

It was Jennings, Lake Arthur, Gueydan, Kaplan, Cow Island, Pecan Island, Grand Chenier, Oak Grove, Lake /Charles, Iowa, /Welch, Jennings on my 190 mile cruise this dayu starting at 11A and ending at 2:30Pm

Did have problems with the mouse battery going out really fast so went and bought another Keyboard/.Mouse combo and a little different. Love it.

The next even in the last month was not good for me at all. Got up at about 10:30PM for a bathroom call. Then woke up about 2:30AM and my world went BAD. Dizzy as heck, Could not stand up, had to crawl to the bathroom and get myself seated to urinate. Crawl back to bed. What the HECK! Was thinking. Oh well, it this how my ending on life is gonna be? Did manage about 5:30 to get to my room and chair hanging on to everything along the way.
Next step, Emergency room time so called her sister and they took me to the hospital here. Wuz able to stand as long as holding on to something and after about an hour , just me on my feet with no aids. All kinds of tests showed nothing. Doc Wilder was the next move on Monday and more tests. But doing much better by then.
Just the mornings and anytime I lay down, it's a big effort waiting on the head to clear enuff to walk with out hanging on to everything around.
Vertigo is the problem. Better now , almost 3 weeks later, but still very slow getting up from laying down. Even kneeling / squatting and getting back up bring dizziness. Have to really be careful.

Next thing in line is work on Da Wagon. 2 new tires that should be in today or tomorrow. No hurry. New pressure sensors for the wheels that the tires go on. Checking the last new tires I had put on a month ago and have a bit of a wobble at 20 to 25 mph.

And that about wraps out the happenings for me.

Da wife, well, not good for her as fixing to have a minor surgery on the bottom end for a protruding piece of flesh. Was suggested to her 2 months ago but she didn't want and now suffering with it. And I don't even think of tell her what to do. LOL! Just say > " Your Choice " . Safer that way for me. ha ha ha ha .

So , till the next.

21 November 2023

 Nov 21 has arrived and me with it.  Yes. 

Back a few days ago > Had to laugh a bit ago when the wife came into my room and asked if I could share a bit of my wine. l say well here's a 6 oz bottle of blackberry. Her face lit up. I say, " Yell if you want more! "

I've done 1 and a half bottles and do feel it. Course my stuff is pretty strong. '
LOL Like I'm gonna run out. and more in the making.

11/16 > 03:00 greeted my awaking eyes this morning.
Still overcast outside but like the mid 60 ish temperatures out there.
No need to check on DA Wagon this early morning as has not moved since returning from the Wife's doc visit for a blood sample and a quick roam about the city. And, I had gave it a quick wash job just before we left.
The afternoon ride about the countryside was in her Rouge so probably clean it later this morning.
And fill up some more of the 187 ML bottles as the wife and I did 5 of them yesterday. LOL Her one and me 4. About one per hour for me.
And the Fig wine mix is still bubbling like crazy this morning. Love that the yeast is very happy. '
So. off to You Tube then Netflix.
Wishing all a great set of Winds this day.+

11/17 Was HELLO world at 11:55P after asleep before 7 and dozing a few times before that in my chair. Must of been the glass of wine at Loggerheads and the two sitting here in my chair. 😉
Email done , coffee good.
Stars in the sky! Had not seen that in awhile. But, suppose to be back to COLD soon. La Yuk! My aged body and cold do not like each other at all.
So, watching some more of The 100 Season 2 on Netflix.
Picture that was on my screen this morning > had to ponder on it for awhile. Sure do miss my roaming the USA on my bikes days.

Well, out to vote at 7AM this morning so that's a done deal. Was told by one of the ladies there to keep on taking pictures. Hmmmmmmm Yep! That I love to do.
So a couple passes on Main Street at 07:30 this morning. An overcast sky took the place of the stary sky I was look at when on the first get up at near 12Midnite. Oh well, Ain't no one or anything gonna tell Maw Earth what to do. They figure she's been here for 4.5 billion years and us , a few million at max.
Christmas decorations and looking at city hall on Main Street.

11/19 Wow! Was up and making coffee at 11:30PM . What happens when I'm asleep by 6:30PM and dozing off in the chair at 6PM. 😉 '
The stars are out for sure as I walked about the yard and a visit to the shop to check wine process, a set of bubbles about every 1.5 seconds so yeast is happy. And Da Wagon didn't need cleaning in the front.
Going though pictures kept this year and there are MANY. Hmmmm.
So Sunday, what are you going to have for us? Me , Brenda and Dee for noon meal and a ride about to ?????????.
We'll see what the Winds blow our way for sure.
I'll just chill in my swing and ponder about it. ha ha ha ha

Well, it was work on the fig wine phase 3 this morning. Then clean stuff so it'll be ready for the next batch on down the line

And last sample taken this morning it was at about 10% ABV.
Well, that do catch up up to this fine morning.

14 November 2023

 And the 14th day of November be here and me with it YES!!!!!!!!!

At least been getting some rain the last few days and the brown patches of grass growing smaller in our yard. 

Course the darker green is where the sewer line runs and probably been there since this house was built in about 1947.  Smile thinking the house is the same age as my wife. 
But keeping it up was the thing 

Did get the Traverse back from Chevy Place a few weeks ago. Total cost to repair it was 3,400 bucks with 1000 from me. Sure missed driving it but love using the wife's 2011 Nissan Rouge that averages 30 plus miles per gallon when I drive it. Da Wagon gets about 21 average being nice on the gas and speed. My highest ever was in the 24 mpg range and low in the 17 mpg range. But overall in the time I've had it is about 21 mpg. 
So nice to open the garage door and see it all pertty and clean.   But telling the wife yesterday need to replace the back wiper as it makes noise and coming apart.  And ditto for all 3 wipers on her Rouge. 

Did see a chair being thrown away a few weeks ago and wife says  " I like that ".  So , a day later I pick it up and begin the reworking of it. 

The queen in her redone chain and bottom what I started with. 

Did start a new batch of Fig  wine yesterday after a few days of getting the mix ready. Fixing to go see it the yeast started working yet as added it yesterday noonish. 

It's gonna be in this 3 gallon bucket for awhile. Then transferred to the glass carboy for final brewing. 

And that's about it for what's been happening for the last monthl.  


12 October 2023

 As the 12th day of October comes to a start. May as well get caught up on this blog. 

The Traverse is at Oustalet Chevy and money put down by State Farm and Me to get parts ordered as soon as they figure out what is needed.  So me regulated to walking and bicycle that I've been having around for about 20 years pretty sure. 

Did finish the batch of Banana Wine and so far all that tasted it love it.  Have it bottled up at present. Hopefully a trip to Loggerheads this afternoon with Da Bride and I can bring my friends that work there samples. Specially since a few save me bottles. ;-) 
As pictures shows my wine stock at present. ;-) 

Did go up town one morning and seeing the peeps setting up for the Main Street sales booths. So did have to walk about with Da Bride and take a few pictures. 

And the on going project of removing the old home that has been my back yard neighbor for 54 years. Was in bad shape for many years and roof caving in for the last 5 or 6 years. 

And that about catches up till today for sure. 
So, till the next. 

07 October 2023

 Wow on already into October and 1st cool spell this morning with a mid 60F temperature. Wow! 

Not really a lot happening cept on going construction of a few new buildings. 

There flowers also now.  Looking good? 

And the new Starbucks building coming along just nicely. 

And the Hebert's Meat market getting there. 

Did have an incident with my Traverse last weekend pulling into a place and not seeing a post about 2 foot high.  La Yuk.  The biggest problems having so far is dealing with State Farm. But think , after a week , we finally going to be able to get the work started at Oustalet Chevy.  What a pain dealing with this Ins Company. 

Oh well, to the Chevy place  Monday morning and let the work begin, even though State Farm want me else where that I'd have to get the wife to drive me 12 miles instead of me walking about a 1/2 mile. La Yuk State Farm. 

Today a bit a market on Main Street which me and Brenda checked out. 

And now for the rest of the day.  Ta da!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

15 September 2023

 Came across this old ride report so wanted to share. Was my favorite thing to do years ago when I could.  My bike for travel was a '95 BMW R11GS. 


The best rally by a dam site


is a rally by the very noisy Pickwick Dam on the Tennessee River just south of Savanna, TN. The noise coming from tugs signaling to go thru and the dam saying "Go for It". So we have quite a few horns going off most of the time. Couse, earplugs take care of that.

An annual event by the RAMS BMW club from Memphis, TN. Guess I'll have to look up what RAMS stand for. Rider's Association of the Mid South I beleive. Close enuff. I've been told a dozen times and forgot a dozen and one times. I personally think they need to simplify the name of their club. Like Memphis BMW Riders or something simple for people like me. Anyway, the area is saturated with Civil War History. The reason for the rally being named "Return To Shilo" I'd guess. Bet it's a close guess. Well let get on the road and get there.

9-3-97 4:AM Roll out time. Gypsy's full of gas and fresh oil and filter in her. We'll wait on the gear oils and valve adjustments when I get back. We're not really pushing the window on them at this time. Tires on the down side of 3/4 s worn to the point where I will change them out. So it's rock and roll time. Hook up the speakers in the helmet, plug in the radio, tune to a station and get on down the I-10 eastbound path. Not in a particular rush so holding at 70 mph. The air is cool with misty sections seen about the country side. The cities pass by in silence. Crowley, Rayne, Lafayette, Baton Rouge. No fuss, no hassle, not even a lot of people stirring around yet. It's usually like this in the early A.M. I-55 comes up and we lean into it headed Northbound. These sections of road are like a ribbon laid out thru the forest. Can't see to either side most of the time. Just ahead. Just road. Occasional billboads to let you know what lays ahead. Other than that, daydream, drift, play with the new radio set-up.

We run, Gypsy and I, eating up the miles and hunting stations on the little portable radio. Finding some here and there. A bit noisy, so have the volume turned almost all the way up. The earphones are tucked up into the helmet ear recesses. Didn't try the tape player part of it. May-be next time. May-be need a larger radio/cassette player with digital tuning and a search mode. Helps the time go by when there's nothing but trees and road before you. Not much traffic even thought it's Friday.

Thru Jackson, Miss. and we elect to get on the Natches Trace for a change of venue. It's our road now till get off time for Pickwick Dam. Not much doing on the Trace. Traffic very sparce and I don't need to stop for the Historic Markers as I've seen them all from other runs on this section. Still need to run from Jackson to Natches and I've got this thing whipped. Soon we reach our get off point and head straight North to the Tennessee border and the dam. Pulling in we see lots of tents and people. Seems like more that last year to me. Roll on toward the check-in area just checking the people out and waving and them checking me out and waving back. Pulling in I see my old friend Paul from Memphis who is the Rally Chairperson. We yell at each other and he comes over as I pull up to a stop. We shake hands and hug each other like long lost bros. (The same Paul Rhodes mentioned in the Wilderness Rally Page).

Soon as the others of our little group hear me they come and it's more shaking hands and back slapping. These are a bunch of fine people and we have a really great friendship together, even thought we only see each other about 2 or 3 times a year. Them being in Memphis and me being in Jennings, La. helps keep it that way. So we do coffee and I see a few other people I know from past rallies and walk over to talk to them. Some from Louisiana, Arkansas, Tenn. and all the surrounding states. Finally break away with the excuse that I've got to set up camp.

I pitched my tent in just about the same place I did last year. Only takes about 20 minutes to do it all. Tent, ground clothe, thermorest, sleeping bag, lantern, off with the luggage and place it all about the outside of the tent or inside. Depending on what it is. Swap to tennis shoes and yell at a few other people I've seen before. Lyle Grimes from New Orleans is there. Retired and a very hi milage rider. We talk for a bit and I question his R1100R BMW. Not quite two years old and 100,000 + miles on it already with few problems as in replaced headgaskets and transmission. Heck, Gypsy's 2 and a 1/2 and just 40,000 on her.

Camping amonst the pines of Pickwick Dam Park.

The rest of day was spent just meeting people, checking out the bikes to see if anybody had any modifications that I might want to incorporated myself. Can't ever tell what you'll see at a rally. Had a band playing tonite. Really good group, songs from the 70's, 80's, folk stuff, country stuff, a bit for everybody. Not anybody dancing, just sitting back and listening, drinking what ever, quite little chit-chat groups here and there. Bands a bit loud real close so every body move out a bit so we can hear ourselves talk. Bed time comes early and I go out like a rock, not to awaken till 6:ish AM.

10/4/97 Saturday > Next day, it's coffee, pancakes (from some of my buds in the RAMS) and conversation. We wash up the kitchen stuff and about 9:AM it's off on one of the two road trips that have been mapped out. Really neat map format that Mike Pandolf has put forth. Even with several questions to answer on the sheet which we turn in at the end of the ride. A sheet is drawn and if the sheet has all the answers correct, he gets the money from the $1 a sheet kitty. Like one of the questions was "What is the name of the Ferry your own". This answer you get as your crossing the Tennessee River on a little ferry. All part of the mapped out trip Mike put together. Really neat.

Then it was to the Shilo Nat'l Battleground Park. A real eye-opener. The guns laid out as was in the battle with signs telling you who, where and what about the battle. Signs telling what infantry unit was were and what time. A person can just sit back and vision the guns and fighting and men dying. Real face to face stuff. Oh well, won't ponder on this much, but this is a great and large park and a must if you're in the area.

After that it was backroading it a bit to find some lonesome, curvy roads to play on. Did find them off the beaten trail on unmarked little county roads without center lines or speedlimit cautions we usually see coming into curves. In these situations, we run what is called a late appex at reduced speed. Gotta see what the corners gonna offer you and make sure it's clean before you go for it. Best to go in slow and come out fast rather than go in fast and not come out at all. 'Nuff 'bout riding techenics. Stopped at a little country store for gas and food. I'm not into fancy eateries. In fact, very at home in little backroad general stores or cafe's. Talking to a young man in the store about the local roads had me draging the Tennessee Road map into the store with me and having some really nice roads highlighted out. They were very vacant and very neat.

Getting time to get back to the campsite, so we motored on so we could be there for the afternoon evens. They are usually fun to watch. Ones for this year were the:

"Roping toilet bowel with a roll of toilet paper" where the driver runs as slow as they can about 3 feet from the comodes (comode seats on plastic buckets) while the passenger trys to rope 4 buckets. A dab with a foot or running out of the marked boundry lines ends your chance. The team with the most 'buckets' wins.

"Slow race" is precisely that. Who can reach the finish line last without dabbing or running out of bounds"

"Baloon toss" is a rider/passenger thing with them running under an elevated bar and the passenger tossing a baloon filled with water over the bar and catching it as they proceed past the bar. It's amazing where the baloon ends up at times.

"Egg toss" is done without bikes. Just two people tossing a raw egg to each other and backing up futher and futher untill one teams egg remains unbroken.

Next on the list was the awards which were given out for things like "Oldest rider, male & female; Longest distance from home, both sexes; Oldest bike driven to rally; etc. The mind blower was the "People's Choise Award" which the riders entering thier bikes roll them into a roped off area and the rest of us vote on our choise of the bike we liked the best. There were a few real fine older bikes which were highly detailed and I even voted for one of them. But, the one that won was a rat bike. A non-washed, greasy, old clear plastic fuel tank, old army ammo cans for saddlebags, just generally trashy bike. Even smoked a bit when running which fit the theme along with the loose baffles in the mufflers. Man, the other guys with bikes entered in the show couldn't believe it. Thought it was kinda cute myself. They say function before form sometimes.

After this and all the prizes were given away they was another band. It was ok but not as good as the one last nite in my opinion. So it was to the campsite to get all things ready for a quick getaway in the morning. Then, retiring to bed to read abit. Did all out "Good-byes and see ya at Arkansas or see ya down the road bits".

10-5-97 Sunday > Up and packed out by 7:AM. Daylight bearly. Did a little coffee and told a few more "Later dudes". Figured I'd do breakfast a couple hours down the road. So we took off headed toward the Mississippi river. I wanted to run down the river roads today. Mostly followed Miss. SR1 and US 61 down to Natches where we crossed the Mississippi into Louisiana. Then down SR15, 417, 419, and 105 to US 190.

So far this route has let me see many fields of cotton. Some fields were so full that it looked like snow. Past several fields with people working at picking it up also. And many large bales of cotton by the edge of some fields. Really is a sight to see. I even got down and fondled some of it. Hadn't done that in a long time. Started to bring a bowel or two home to the wife as a joke. But, on the other hand, since she use to have to miss school to pick cotton in grade school, she most probably would not have been impressed one bit. But riding the levee road , some gavel, mostly pavement, is a trip. The Plantation homes are here and there, the old shacks where the workers stay are still around. In general the country side is very clean, neat little camping communities near the oxbows (these were once channel of the river and when a part of the river became sand/silted up, the river choose a different path leaveing these as little lakes). Life is slow back here. No body seems to be in a big hurry to go nowhere. I like it on the backroads of the USA.

The other outstanding thing were the flood control gates at 3 Rivers and Morganza. These are some really big gates for controlling water when the Mississippi floods and to keep the river flowing to Baton Rouge and New Orleans. The river has been trying to go back down the Atchafalaya River for years now. But if they let it do that, it would be the end of the shipping in Baton Rouge and New Orleans. Another case of man against nature. Some day nature will win. Heck the whole coastal plain was built like that, the water shifting from river to river, the path of least resistance from the silt it was dumping. Now the Louisiana coast is eating away from central La. to Tex. cause it doesn't have this feed anymore. Well! We're though with that.

I had intended to cross the ferry at Melville, La. on La 10 but once I got there, found out it was closed on weekends. Were not any signs saying anything about ferry runtimes till you get there. Heck, only runs for 3 hrs in the AM and 3 hrs in the PM. All this running back in this part of Louiaiana is gravel roads, some of it loose stuff. So if you're ever back there, pay attention. Did see a guy with a road map out when I got off the gravel and back to pave. He was thinking the same thing so I saved him a round trip on 13 miles on loose gravel. Good deed for the day. He was on a Honda Ace crusier. Took my hat off to him for being back on these roads. Don't see many crusier riders doing that. Classified him as a Rider and not a Biker right away. Well, it started getting dark on me so it was time to quit playing around. Stopped at the next service station I saw for a top off of fuel. Dude running the place was in the side building with others eating crawfish and drinking beer. Asked if I wanted to join, declined. Still had a good 80+ miles to home. So after finally getting on US 190, we just burned it in to Jennings via I-49 and I-10. The end of a 726 miles day. Enuff don't you think?



12 September 2023

 Hello September and lets get caught up. 

First thing is  go to Youtube and watch  Roads ( The Endless Seasons of Time )  one of my all time favorite songs. Puts me in dreamland of my travels about this great nation of ours. 

Hello 2nd get up on this 1st day of September.
Did trip to the shop and heard the bubbling of the new wine mix even before I turned on the light. Steady bubbling.
Today spose to be another hot one. but, at least showing 72F now. And 78 in this room. Air Conditioner at rest YES.
Be another hour or so before Da Bride rises from her nest to see if she has plans or a want to today.
Me, where ever the wind blows me. Uhhhhhh. do need gas in Da Wagon for sure as down to 1/8 full mark.
So, wishing all my friends a super great day on this fine Friday.
Picture on my screen this morning sure brought back memories of 20 years and over 50K miles with this bike. Probably the one I miss the most when I had to call it quits to riding. But, I did get to do over 700,000 miles roaming the USA and a bit of Canada. Just me and my bikes, alone and free.

Well Hi midnite! I guess being asleep before 7PM leads to that.
Ventured outside to check things. Light clouds, bright moon , a few stars and planets showing in the light polluted sky.
Wine still bubbling in the shop and all good in the garage.
So, Wonder what this day will bring my way. Just gonna smile and accept it for sure.
Did exercise the riding mower yesterday. Need to run that thing at least once a week for sure. Had been about 3 or more weeks since fired it up and it was very slow in starting.
Did take DA Bride for a little ride about yesterday afternoon roaming the local back roads. Saw lots of dark smoke towards the Bell city direction and told BC " One heck of fire out there " Turned east at the 14/99 junction heading to Lake Arthur. Did see a report on that fire a bit this morning.
So, onwards with this day.

Sept 2 Had to get the Canon zoomer out of the Wagon awhile ago for some pictures.

As you can never tell what may greet you when the sunlight hits.

And on this 3rd day. Okay! That's it for morning labor! ha ha ha ha. Transferred Grape wine from plastic bucket to glass carboy and cleaned everything up. Took a gravity reading and at 10.5 Alcohol by Volume.
So now, it sits for a few weeks to finish fermenting.

Tuesday! Hi! A beautiful stary sky greeted my trip to the shop and garage while coffee heating. Quick wipe down of the front of Da Wagon as don't want any bug stains on the white front.
A check on the grape wine in the shop. Still bubbling at about a set every 3 seconds. All is good.
Coffee in front and decided to reload songs on a little Samsung music player to play in the Wife's Wagon. Will test it later this morning.
So let us wait on the Winds to see where the rest of the day leds and what Maw Nauture have in store for us.
Wishing all my friends a great set of winds to guide them this fine day to be alive once more.

And on this 6th day >

Twas good morning world at 02:45 this morning. Coffee heating, a trip outside to check out the sky, the front of Da Wagon and the wine process in the shop. Pretty sky with Saturn only thing I reconized, Wagon cleaned and wine bubbling at a set ever 5 seconds. And stil lots of foam on the top so a ways to go yet.
Yesterday was Brenda and I to Loggerheads for a glass on wine and conversation with the workers. Only 1 other coustomer doing work on her computer and papers.
Then home and to Bubba's for a wine .
The old bank and the new bank Think to old bank was much better looking but progress takes over.

Was HELLO 12:30 AM after asleep before 7 PM. Wow! Oh well.
Coffee made and sampled, Yesterdays bugs removed from the Traverse. Gotta keep that white paint white for sure. 50 reps on the rowing machine to wake the body up more. 😉
This morning interests on computer and You Tube, a bit of earth history and now the old Newly Wed Game reruns.
But soon, back to bed if my eyes get heavy.
Zero plans for this day. So far. Wife mentioned her burial set up and still not decided. Me, a few years ago paid for at a cost of 2100 bucks. As we have 4 gravesites already paid for quite a few years ago. LOL was 500 bucks for 4 plots so you know it was awhile back.
So, we'll see if she has made up her mind on the procedure she won't see anyway. 😉
Picture on my old 03 Vette and Truck on screen this morning . Went from them to the 2016 Traverse. So much cheaper.

And work going on at the new John Deere place on service road west of the nursing home west of town.

And a new Hotel being built near the I-10/LA 97 exit.

And this brings up pert near up todate.
How many have watch the dog named Hurricane in America's Got Talent. Never ever seen a dog do what she does. WoW! Get the chance , watch both the audition and the live on Youtube.

Oh , have to close with this picture on the screen of my trip 21 years ago headed for Glacier park in Montana and what ever else I ran into during this trip. Loved my Suzy Bandit 1250 that I put over 100K miles on traveling our great country.

So, till the next.