21 February 2017

Already the 21st day of Feb and time just keeps flying by. Still living with the restrictions of a sewed up chest which gets better day by day. Visit the 8th with Dr Mousett's nurse was good and  back driving again but easy like. No motorcycles though. But, neat to get out in the Vette once in awhile.
Was able to easy though some weed eating and riding the Dixon to cut some grass without stressing out the chest area.
Still losing friends via the graveyards thought. 3 in the past 2 weeks. /But, as you get older, gonna happen more often I guess. Untill it's your turn. Then, no concerns anymore. ;-)

Did get the LX17 Nitro sold and what a mess that was with the guy having to borrow money from a bank. Wow, the paperwork for the last 2 weeks. Finally just went to his bank yesterday to see if we could speed up the process and was a win win.  Had an appointment with my heart doc in LC town anyway so got all combined in time frames and come back to town with a check in my name. Yes!!!!!!!. Don't think I'll ever sell that way again. Cash or walk.

Good visit and check up with Dr Dupre's Nurse yesterday , EKG and all worked out good. Tow less meds for fluids and one added for cholesterol. So , in shape with meds for awhile. One for regulating heart, one for thyroids, one for cholesterol plus the aspirin a day of the low caliber.  

Truck's Check engine light has been bugging me for a few months now so will swing by Mark's and see what that's about. Don't seem to be changing anything in the way it runs and t's going to be a job for him as I can't do anything pulling on wrenches just yet.

Then, we'll just see what the winds of Fate blow our way.

03 February 2017

The last days have been both the most painful in my life and a lot of lessons learned about the body. Bowel plug was the most painful for 2 days running before we got it to turn loose. Then, uncontrollable bowels , but had to get it out.  A bit more predictable now, the 15th day after surgery. Finally finished one to the med yesterday. which is good. Still have 2 happening twice daily and 4 happening once daily. Then an added to the set, a stool softener at night before going to bed.

The feeling with the body is much better and had left the pain pills I can do if needed.

Getting into the habit of lots of fluids, watching weight and BP several times a day. Doing the 2 min walk 4 times a day. The blower 10 reps at 4 times a day. And anything else I can do to get it right.

Chicken breast cooked with olive oil and a bit of Broth and a bit of rice was great for Dinner and Luce love her share.

Now , to clean the kitchen and a nap perhaps. ;-)