26 June 2022

 Oh yes, an old friend reminds me to get this blog caught up. I then see it's been over a month since updating it. And, it's been a fun and constructive month at that. 

Still learning the M50 Canon camera and playing in the full Manual mode  as per auto mode. But, when taking pictures on the fly in the Wagon, the setting need to  be right. We getting there though. And I still take less than 1 % of my pics with my cell phone. 

The main project for the last month was the shop. Built it in 1980's from metal that was being discarded from the Fred Wilson Drilling company days. We built 7 new rigs here in the Jennings Yard and Refurbed the older 7. 
So at about 50 years old I decided to clean house in it. Was pretty hard just throwing stuff away , cept what I gave to my hot rod neighbor. Stuff for building and maintaining motorcycles and cars in my go fast days. 

A couple pictures of the before starting the project. Oh the Dryer in the picture. Belt went out and the work cost to change belt was not advised by peeps that do this  work on this 11 year old drier. So bought a new one and decided to see just how hard it was to change the belt. Sheesh! Gotta take the whole front off and some of the back to get to it. But I  did just for the heck of it myself and sucess. 

So first part was done after removing everything from the East wall , pressure washing, painting and rearranging my stuff. 
Then came the center and back wall . 

Ready for pressure washing and painting. And below, done deal with things back in place. 

Then came the heavy stuff to be moved without scratching my new floor.  

And the series of the finale West wall. And everything back in place minus what I got rid of. 

Next even of the month was Brenda and I's 55 wedding anniversary. Kept it  low key and we took a trip to Loggerheads and had fun with my friends that work there. Great afternoon for sure. 

Then decided to re do the clothesline posts in the back yard that are about as old as the shop as I built them in the 70's for sure. 

Now , both post painted and back in use. 
And that about wraps up the main things done since last post.