26 November 2021

 And Thanksgiving is over with.  YES! 

Bit of a gathering at Dee's home with daughter's family, Son, Tysen and Bro in Law Bart .  Later Son in law's folks showed up for a visit. Great meal and BS section in the patio area. After about 2 hours of that it was time for me to escape back to the house. ;-) 

Did see most all of the Lunar Eclipse a few days ago and got some good pictures. 

Was quite an event to see as probably will never see another like this one. 

Forgot to mention in the last instalment about a gathering at Dee's home with people from her late husband's family members. I only met one of them, Sherry, the lady in the blue shirt in front,  as she stayed a couple days before and after the event. 

And Holly , Da DAughter took off with a crowd of ladies only family and a New Iberia trip to Avery Island. 

So, until the next event! 

19 November 2021

 A friend remined me to catch up in here. Wow! Has been awhile since updating. Oct 3 was the last. 

Well what's happened in this month and a half plus. Hmmmm! 

Let's start off with my Ex-Grapefruit tree. I had trimmed it before a freeze and it didn't like it at all. Thought it might come back but it finally started having bark peeling at ground level so it's gone. 

And the South Drive Way at the new school getting ready for concrete. 

And the windows going in. Getting lots done. 

And a couple moon shots in Oct. Got the Canon XS50 out and let it work for a change. 
This on in October

And this one in November. 

As per right now have it under the carport to shoot the eclipse. But just checked and not yet! 

Did make a run down to Holly Beach last month to see what's happening and had the trip across the small ferry as the main was broke < Again>. 

And Holly Beach coming back somewhat.  Didn't take pics of all the campers there now instead of expense homes as the picture shows. 

And did have to go check out the Annual Sterman fly-in in October. Due to lots of bad weather, not the usually turn out but still neat. 

And the new family gym was open for people to see what it's all about. Is a very neat place and I felt I had done a work out just looking at all the equipment. WOW! 

The following pictures are from my stroll down main street here in Jennings on the Jennings Alive day. Pretty neat. 

Did get a surprise last week when my adoptive family from California and now in Oklahoma stopped by for a few hours of a super great visit

With from left to right besides me. LOL !  Brenda Da Wife, Carylon , Dee < sister in law ,  Edith < Mom and Peggy.  So love them. 

So Promise to get back in here later as watching and taking pics of the Lunar Eclipse.