18 December 2016

As time goes by!
Nuke Stress Test a few weeks ago and then meeting with doctor's nurse which didn't reveal much but that things are changing in blood flow. But, can't really find out anything till the doc gets back from vacation.  Makes you wonder why this meeting in the first place. Nothing life changing as was told to keep on doing what I'm doing.
Did get a used Batter Tender off ebay but a problem with it as it would not go into the float mode. Notified seller about it and was told to throw it away and he refunded the money to my paypal accout. I gave him a great review due to his actions. He stated he had no way to test it in the beginning. So , all is good there.  In fact, have a bid on another one that comes up to d day in two days. I'd really like to have 3 of them due to the lawnmower needed one also and I would not have to swap the one in the garage between the bike and lawnmower. The one in the shop stays with the kLR in there.
Think I finally got the electrical problem behind me on the circuit to the sewing room and carport. Light's blinking at times. Had removed the connection where I had tied in the AC wire to the main wire going from the House breaker to the unit breaker  and then to the carport junction box. Will run another for the AC later directly from the main box outside.
I had pulled the Dryer out last week and went through the circuit breaker box there and all was good as could see.  So, yesterday morning , the light went out under the carport we use to see what's happening with the washer and drying. So, the hunt started again. Shut off the house for a bit while I removed the breaker headed that way and redid the wires. Back together and still a bit of a blink at times. Back to the carport box. In loosening and tightening the input connections , the left side shorted again a different gound wire I was touching with the shaft of the screwdriver and shut the whole left circuit down. Hmmmmmm . Voltage check show 124 on the right 0 on the left. When to the main circuit breaker going that way. Ditto finding. Attempted resetting it a few times before it finally did reset and making noises of not happy contacts inside. So, got all redone under the carport with that breaker off , making sure no wires rubbing against hot wires and got a new 70 amp breaker set to replace the one I was not happy with. Done deal and all back together again and , SO FAR, no lights blinking and full voltage everywhere.
Been enjoying riding about in the Corvette and it's nice gas mileage and just learning it. Have over 3000 miles on it since getting it 4 months ago and really abit anxious to move on to the next one. But, this car and the boat need to be sold first. Gives me lots of time to think and explore and learn about the C5 Vettes. And, all things to look for when I do find what I want.
Weather is typical for this time of year, 70 F one day and 40 the next. I try to get things done on the 60 / 70 days and hibernate on the lower ones. So, today and probaly tomorrow, the Vette and Bike's stay in the garage and shop and Da Truck gets the duty. It warms up way faster.
Thinking about the truck. Air Conditioner losing it charge again. Guess next time, I'll put a dye in it as the sealer I put last time didn't do lots. Probably won't need to mess with that till Spring though.
Fire Department Christmas gathering was a great meal and good presentation of awards and memorials. I ever won 25 bucks door prize. Ta daaaaaaaa.
Wife in the Christmas meal shopping mode. Can't see it myself but, it's her trip. So be it.
So , up to date till the next.

06 December 2016

Two weeks flown by fast. Seems the older you get, the faster time flys. But, such is life. Before the rains came, was using the vette as primary transportation.  Loved the last till up where I calculated 24.5 miles to the gallon. Checking the oil for the last 800 miles shows no oil usage since adding 1/2 qt at 2000 miles since the oil/filter change. Love that. Still have not calculated the price difference between the 93 octane it wants to the 87 the truck wants. Will, check prices on all next fill up. Think it's still near 10 cents per grade change. But, if use non-ethanol gas, way higher than the stuff with the up to 10%.
Had put some doublesided tape to hold the gps just ahead of the shifter but that proved to be bothersome and just not looking right. So, took it all off.  Figure the times I do need a GPS I can just stick it on the windshield.
Still getting the walks in when the weather allows but been a few days due to the rains that it has not happened.
Nucular Stress test done with no problems for me on the treadmill.  In fact, found this one seemed easier than the last one. A year ago. Nurse cranked up the elevation on the unit to get my heart rate up to the 126 beats per minute so I guess blood getting to legs muscles okay. ;-)
So, now we wait for the info to go to my Heart Doc and they get back with me for a visit to discuss it. ;-).
Couple messages on the Boat since I put it up for sale. A bit early but may as well get it out there. Pretty much have the vette sold after the first of the year so need the boat gone and the money in the bank. Then, begin the hunt for a C5 that I want. After much recearch, want one with the column lock disabled, HUD, Coupe due to the mostly hot weather and AC working better with a solid roof. Research is still very active and keep learning every day.  Kinda anxious for the next step. We'll see what the winds of fate bring our way.
With the cold air due here in a few days, got the gas heater out and cleaned it and installed it. Now in operation with no gas leaks. So, we be good in that direction.
And that about wraps the last few weeks so , till the next.