29 May 2021

29May21 and the Yard

 Well, 1st thing on the menu was our son Tysen reaching his 52ed Birthday. Could really do it right due to him being in New Orleans and the rest of the family here in Jennings.  So sent him a Happy Birthday picture. 

Next things was the normal , everyday pert near removal of bugs off the Wagon. They really show up on that white. 

Then, there is the yard plants and trees.  Still gonna have to do some more trimming on the hard hit Grapefruit tree. But DA Boss did some flower planting to make it look better. ;-) 

Then, there is the STUMP from an oak tree we had cut down in about 10 years ago and I was gonna make something from the stump. Even bought a chain saw that never got used. So, Boss Lade decided to do something with it this year. 

And Figs?  Oh yes! Many.  The tree is looking very good. 

 And yes in the garden plots.  Tomatoes  (3 kinds ) , cucumber and bell peppers. 

And with the family in New Orleans, I'm having a very quiet time at home.  ;-) 

14 May 2021

Hello May Trip to Cameron

 What's new lately? Nada. 

Still putting gas and miles on the Traverse and still learning the info system. 

Do think I'll finish cutting the dead branches off the grapefruit tree in the front yard.  The ones with sprouts stay, the rest go. 

Did finally get a run down to Cameron and Holly Beach. Can call them Camper cities now. But some have rebuilt for sure. 
As I was on top of the IC bridge on 27 South

And a grounded shrimp boat still there since the storms. 

The path to the gulf

Coming in for a landing at the Aux Ferry at Cameron headed West. 

And Holly Beach still stands. ;-) But lots of campers thoughout the place. 

Major plant near Hackberry. 

02 May 2021

First 10 Days of April 2021


Wow! Time flies! Life happens! Sitting in my room at 03:20 on this 11th day of April and pondering on the 1ast 10 days. 

Watching the fruit trees come back to life after the freeze we had a month back has been eye opening. Seems the old Grapefruit tree in the front yard really took it hard and many brand new sprouts happening on it. As it progresses, I'll have to see what else needs to come off of it. 

Then there's the new Satsuma tree. I've done trimmed all the dead branches ( twigs ) off it and left the sprouts. Since the pic taken have trimmed off the far left branch also. 

The Kumquat tree! Still old dried up fruit on it but just gonna let them fall off as it would in the wild. 

The fig tree! Wow! It did get effected by the freeze at all and very full of leaves. Did have two little figs on it a few weeks ago but they fell off. 

Then the garden plots that the wife is taking care of mostly. 

Then the return of Sis In Law Dee to her now home here in town. And the WELCOME HOME DEE events put on by my daughter.  Pic is Brenda, Dee and Holly. 

And the follow up to DI's for a Family Get together.  With Ty , Holly and Dee. 


Now, hopefully life returns to normal and Dee get's to settle into her new life here with her sister's and brother's. LOL AND ME! 

Had forgot about this entry till wanting to update on the 1st day of May. Sheesh.