12 July 2023

 Hello July 12th! 

been a great start to July for sure.  I'm still alive and kicking.  ha ha ha ha.  

Been roaming about the countryside looking at the beautiful rice fields getting that " Ready to Harvest " look. Won't be long before seeing combines and tractors working the fields. 

And started a batch of Watermelon wine. Kinda rushed it and not too very good so this morning, back in the car boy it went with 2 lbs of sugar and a pack of yeast. We'll see how that goes and if not good, Buy another watermelon and start from scratch. The way I learn, try things , if good    YA!  If not start over and make it good. ;-) 

Been keeping an eye on sis in law Dee since her procedure a week ago to repair a rupture and she's getting better everyday but not able to do what she wants to do.  Did take her Ford Explorer out yesterday to get some run time on it.  Wow! So different than my Chevy Traverse. Think it's a 2012 or close to that. But, that instrumentation lay out is wow. I did figure out the cruise control and radio controls on the steering wheel but little else as was driving. ;-) I'd have to spend lots of time in the owners manual and YouTube to learn that thing. As I did my 2016 Traverse ( Da Wagon ). But alls good with the run about and checked the oil when getting back. Good color and full so no problem there. Still gonna be awhile before she's able to drive. A few weeks at least. 

Dry and hot weather made the gardening go kaput and just not that interested in doing it any more. May do some vertical half barrels next year for grins. We'll see what happens down the road of life. ;) 

06 July 2023

 And 1/2 the year gone with the coming of July. Wow! So fast. 

Not a lot new happened downtown. But still working on the new sidewalk on Main Street.  

The part on Nezpique street being worked on at present. 

Then there is the old Manual building on S. Main and Division they are cleaning and revamping it.  Not being removed , just redo job. 

And the main thing lately was sis in law going into the hospital yesterday for a procedure to repair body parts.  LOL! Should be released today if all is well. Have 2 sisters, my daughter and me looking out for her. ;-)  Probably be headed that way soon. ;-) 

So till the next.