31 January 2017

And, on the twelfth.  Back at home and walking and talking and healing.
Home nursing coming once a day since Friday. Today  Allen with PTherapy came by to do an evaluation.

So , been a heck of a time with Triple by-pass surgery.  A major change in my life style also.

18 January 2017

Wow! What a change in my world! Follow up on the Nuke test involved going through my wrist to check out the vessels in my heart. Has one that's been totally stopped up from years back,  Dr found more clogged vessels in the heart leaving just one supplying. What was strange is I had not big chest pains that I was ever concerned about, no shortness of breath, and went through the stress test treadmill walk with no problems.  So, shows just because you think your healthy don't mean you are.
So, talking this the surgeon yesterday, triple by-pass gonna happen.  A ton of paperwork to read and sign at the Doc's office. Paperwork to carry to the hospital. Then to the hospital and start off at Admit. From there, was guided and attended to by a great staff at St. Pat.s.  Bloodwork, Urine sample, MRI, X-ray, neck ultrasound, more blood work and more paperwork to sign. Lastly, instructions on picking up a laxative on the way home and instructions up to being at the Emergency Entrance to the hospital at 5:AM Thursday morning.
So, bikes on battery tenders, car ran yesterday as mode of transportation to LC and back.
Did the Clean out of the intestines yesterday afternoon and oatmeal this morning.  Light walk with Luce, a small load of clothing washed, dryed and put up and a visit to the Fire Station. Now, chill mode.

11 January 2017

Already the 11th day of January. Wow! Time flys by faster and you get older I do believe.  No matter, as long as you can still do most of what you want to do daily.
This last cold spell where it was down in the 20's for a couple mornings was not to my liking. As a 70 to 90 F degree person here for sure. So, stayed home and warm for those 2 main days.

A follow up call from my heart peeps saying they plan on going in to check blood flow Monday the 16th. So, we'll see how that plays out. May solve a few minor problems I've noticed with my body.

The Corvette is doing fine and really getting to enjoy riding about on the back roads even though it does not like rough roads with the hard suspension. Did 80 miles just roaming on some roads had not been on in awhile yesterday and totally enjoyed it. Was very windy out so the bikes stayed parked.

No sale on the boat yet. A few pretty interested but no transactions. And, a few more wanting to trade stuff or me go down a couple thousand. No want trades and sticking with the 7K price. I'm losing money even at that. Plus, want the money so I can upgrade in my Vette life. LOL.

Other than a ride about once in awhile, a few beers here and there , been it for travels.

Did do the first racking on the latest batch of dew berry wine. That was pretty fast with about 3 weeks involved. The satsuma wine is still working and it's been since Nov 25th. May test it today. Gonna let the Berry wine settle in the 1.5 liter bottles a few days then swap it over to 1 liter bottles for cleaner wine.

The Lemon wine is WOW! And, still have a bunch in the freezer so gonna make some more to that.

So , till the next. ;-)