14 April 2022

 And almost to the middle of April. Wow! Seens the older you get ,  the faster time passes. 

Travel on Sunday with my gals has happened once more to the gulf. Enjoy taking them places they have not been to. This time it was Rutherford Beach down South of Creole.  The scenery on the way down was great. 

Heading down on LA  27 and the Intracoastal Bridge comes into view. 

And the Intracoastal Canal looking West. And an outline of the wife's face in the picture which I loved. 

And the marshlands south to the gulf opens up before us coming down the bridge. 

Then onwards to Rutherford Beach and the gals had never been here before.  Had been over 5 years since my last trip with my granddaughter.  The destruction and gulf invasion of the last two storms of 2 years ago very much evident. 

Beach looking East. 

What was a site of some kind had to smile at the sign. All people did  was walk through there going along the beach. 

Saw thy had added a rock shelf to help rebuild the beach area. 

 Very different wave action before and after the wall. 

And no good looking shell was safe from these gals. Think they ended up with a double handful to bring back home. 

The sisters really enjoyed the trip even if the wind was really blowing their hair about. 

Only one cabin rebuilt from the storms 2 years ago. 

The wagon in front of a travel trailer home that was also set up instead of rebuilding a wooden home. 

Then at the Home Front.  Garden and Plant time as Spring and warmer weather arrive. 

Dew berries coming back after a year of absence due to cutting them down to the ground a few years ago. 

Course the fig tree doing it's thing as the weather warms. 

And the little satsuma tree in the barrel coming back after almost dying last year due to the freeze of '21. I for sure though it was gone. 

Then the watermellon seeds I planted a week ago breaking ground near the fence at the driveway for the garage. 

All these box and drum containers under Da Wife's control.  This one above, have no idea what she planted. 

 This one, tomatoes for sure. 

This one is Bell Peppers. 

As the picture shows,   she has  lots to play with and not have to bend the old body too much.  Me either as a fact. ;-) 

Only other thing, which I have not taken pics of yet is the process of rebuilding Dee's gates that were damaged when leaving one open and a big blast of wind tore it from the hinges. 

So, till the next. ;-)