31 August 2018

Well Hello 02:43! And yes we did get 5 hrs ot good sleep in. And, might go back to bed for a few more in an hour or so or maybe not. We'll see what fate brings.

Been working on getting an old supplement from the Jennings Daily news on the computer and on a photobucket account. The 1988 Centennial Edition. Some of it, I can scan and enter as jpegs. Some I need to type out and do sections as jpegs as the photo site won't do word processor files.

Got a couple packages in from usps and ups yesterday.
Suzy got fork seals in and new 5wt oil for the forks as they been seeping.  But, gonna wait for cool weather for that job.

And a little carry holster for concealed carry, But that's mainly for winter carry cause I need some insulation between the gun and the skin. ;-)

Did get the wife out for a birthday supper at a place she's never been to before except to get a spare key to me due to locking my key in my car last Sunday.  A good grill meal and some French music suited her, plus loving the  country scenery and the lay out at Loggerheads near Moss Bluff on the Calcasieu River.

Yesterday was a quik shopping at WalMart for a couple shirts and apples and ww ritz crackers. Oh, yes, a resupply of peanut butter.  Then cutting the  yard with the Dixon as it was 90F at 2PM. But, not really any work in using that machine.

And monthly bill paying time for the month. ATT phone,  CapOne Card, Transfer to billing account. Also Truck Ins paid. Next it the Walmart card in a few days as it's cycle runs a few days after the 1st generally.

And today? No clue, No plans, as we'll see what's in the winds of Fate.

30 August 2018

A trip to Loggerheads for Wednesday night cajun music and a meal with the wife as her 71st birthday was the 28th. Her first time there and was really impressed with the place.
Also think she likes the Vette but still considers it too low and with the bushes on the sides of the roads , you can see much in the fields.

The house next door is coming along fine and finishing interior work has began. Like final painting and molding. Plumbing has not been covered yet on the southside, and electricity not hooked up to the place yet. Still with the accessory pole and extension cords to the home.  Probably soon is the rest of the concrete work for the drives and shop.

Here on the home front, bell pepper or two is showing on the last plants for the garden.
And the fig wine is coming along nicely. Killing the yeast now as it is just right. Around 15% by volume and 3.4 ph.  So , it needs to set about a few weeks before bottling.

Suzy the bandit on the lift for repairs as soon as Bike Bandit gets parts to me. May have to quit using them as they are getting slower and slower for common parts.

Well, till the next.

24 August 2018

Back at the catch up on highlights of life for this year.

April 30
Great run on Suzy the Bandit this afternoon covering 148 miles in 3:15 hrs:mins. One stop in Abbeville for gas at a Walmart/Murphy place. Got get those 3 cents off LOL! Then onwards to downtown New Iberia connecting up with the old 90 and back to Lafayette on the thruway and connecting up with 90 again out of Lafayette to Scott , Rayne ( said Hi to the frogs lining the path ) and back to Jennings and home.
Now, the chill mode is in full swing.
Hope everyone's day was as great as mine was and still happening with 60's music downloads.

Good morning Saturday! Hope you are a fine day. A car show in Crowley, Supercross final race, Flattrack races and Elite Fishing weight in and live show today. Gonna be busy with the camera in Crowley for sure , but, back home for 3ish for the rest. All live stream on the computer.
Hope all have a great day.
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Well, get home from the FD C & C and action in the Hood. Carpender's getting stuff ready to pour slab when the rains quit. New peeps moving in the house across the street on Church St. Did have police living there for the last 6 or so months , now, gone and new peeps.
Plus , picked more figs this morning and have one gallon zip lock bag full. Gonna be a fruitful season it seems.
Now, chill mode till this afternoon, Then we'll check on the Winds of Fate. 
Pic from the Crowley Auto Show.

Image may contain: car and outdoor

Andrus Chesley
May 10
Amazing afternoon where I pulled all four wheels off the car and took them to H & H for some high speed balancing. I had the tires changed out and wheels balanced in the last 5 months. But was getting a front vibration at about 90 mph. The rears were good but both fronts not good so the redid them.
Then out on the road to test. The vibrations are gone gone even at 110 mph.
Celebrated with a quick trip to the LA Bar to visit with a couple friends, a beer and back to the house.
Now, bring on tomorrow to see where the winds blow  And , back to Netflix 

15 August 2018

Wow! How the time has flown.  March to August , swooch!
Let's catch up with some posts.
What an afternoon!!!!!!!!!! Me and Bandit doing our thing! I like my car, I love my KLR, but Bandit and I, it's like LOVE! 225 miles today and the body held up goodly. One stop at the 130 miles mark for gas and a snack and a walk about. Some new roads, some old roads, some I've not been on in a long time. Some great roads, some not so great roads, but roads just the same.
Then, chill a bit, go for a walk with Da Luce, Weed eat, bring a shopping basket home that was left in the street a few blocks away and an un-occupied house. May bring it back to Piggly's tomorrow.
Now, chill mode and some Net flix in the near future.

March 23
great afternoon with the ride to Loggerheads Bar and Grill. Wanted to deliver some wine to the girls working there. They were happy and I was happy. Always great conversation with that crew.
Think I'm getting close to the 10 K mark in the year I've had this Corvette. I'll check later. Need 119324 on the clock before the 29th.
Also stopped at Hot To Trot in Welch on the way back. Another friendly group and met 4 of my great friends from Lake Arthur there.
April 3
well, Vette's left front sig light went couyarn again and lost bulb contact. Had happened yesterday after some chatter strips in the road but back to normal on the next bump. Had a problem with this last week so had taken all apart , cleaned and put back in place. Then , this morning, stops working again. So, apart again but this time, getting serious on pulling up the little wires on the bulb and wire brush and electroclean and then back together. Now, we'll see how long that will work.
Had the same problem on my truck till I did the same proceedure and no problem since. We'll see.
Now, onwards with what the winds of fate gonna bring to me this day.

April 8
Yes! Sunday morning and 45F and no big red ball to the East. Sigh! Tis okay. Lots of motorcycle racing on today, Argentina MotoGP and American flattrack this afternoon also being as they were rained out yesterday.
Supercross at Seattle was a mad fest reminding me of my days in the early '70's and our mud fest races about South Louisiana.
Where did these days go?

April 10
Lost another Class mate that I just did find out about a minute ago. . Russel Fontenot. RIP

April 15
La YUK! 45F this morning. But, stars in the sky. Ya! One Whole Wheat pancake done deal with coffee and water/lemon/apply cider vinegar and that shud get the body started.
Doobie Brothers on the speakers just getting it on. Luce still in bed under the covers. Me chillin' in my warm room.
Loggerhead band starting at 3P today Sooooooooooo, just might wander that direction for a bit. We'll see what happens with the day. But, gonna be a Vette day for sure.

April 20
Wow! Peeked out the curtain of my window to the world and WOW! Big bright light attacked my eyes.  Love it! Means it's gonna warm up fairly fast this morn from it's present 50F ish.
A trip to Stines for supplies after the morning mile. Drive way project ta daaaaaa.
Then, we'll see what the Winds of Fate blow our way. Is it gonna be the KLR? The Bandit? The Vette? hmmmmmm. But, we gonna get some road therapy in for sure this afternoon.

April 25
Hello Wednesday Morning with yur sun shiney 65F self. And fixing to get DA Luce up and out for our normal walking routine.
Plans for the day?????? Hmmmmmmmmm. Not really sure yet.
But the round trip in the Vette yesterday afternoon from Jngs to Abbeville to Lafayette to Jngs was starting to get not comfortable. But a couple glasses of wine took care of that. Then a bit of dancing at Turn It Up Tuesday.
Even a Pic of Me and Da BC showed up.

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May 1
Well Hello Tuesday morn and the first day of May. With bills to pay. Sigh! Beautiful Eastern sky starting up. Wonder where the winds of fate gonna guide me today?
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May 5
Trip to Crowley to check out the show was great. Surprised on how many showed up. Both sides of the street from the Courthouse to US 90. Now, about 60 or so pics to go though.
Then a trip to Iota to see a cousin but a few cars at her home so onward to Tepetate and Trapper's for a beer and converse with the people there. Always friendly people in there and the Mixologist is a great and friendly lady.
Now, Do be getting ready for Supercross and Flattrack.