31 December 2023

2023 Ends today

 Yes, time has come to say YES on making it through another year and not in the ground. ;-)  

Son was in from New Orleans for Christmas and all of us loved that. His schedule only let him be here for a day plus having to go get him and return him to New Orleans as he does not drive. 

Loving the ride in the Traverse after the new fronts and proper balance job by Oustalet Chevy.  Back to driving smoothly with no wheel wobble. 

Think the wife sessions on working with her Vertigo problems in Lafayette are done. The Grandson had to take her the last trip there as I was having my newly onset Vertigo problems. Which are getting much better but still having to learn how to deal with it. 

And now with her other problem the doctor is going the diaphragm path. As with her memory problems, not wanting to chance putting her  out to do an operation.  So, we'll see how that works. But , after fitting and ordering , gonna be a week or so before they arrive for insertion by her doctor. 

And , the newest batch of grape wine is in the sewing room to take advantage of the bit of warmth there to keep the yeast happy. 

And the last batch of Fig Wine is all in the little 6.3 oz bottles as of yesterday. About 20 of them left here. 


Picture from about 3 weeks ago. 
So, let us and the winds of fate see where we go and do in this coming year. LOL Or even    if  we make it to the end of another year. ;-) 

20 December 2023

Traverse work today

 And $ 655 plus and the Traverse has new tires , replacing the the backs that had over 50K miles on them and put on the front.  With on pressure sensor replace that was not giving signals to the tire monitoring system. 

The month old fronts went on the back and they checked balance. 

So, good for quite awhile tire wise I hope. LOL! 

Then noticed windshield wiper on the right side was falling apart.  So, new wiper blades for about $79.00

Installed when getting home and all is good there. Even cleaned the windshield. 

Today it get a fill up with gas as right at a quarter tank left. 

Then , let  us see what happens with the rest of the day. 

19 December 2023

 Been a heck of a month for sure. 

Big Wife's family gathering at her sister's for Thanksgiving. Me > Nada . Don't like crowds. Took off in Da Wagon for a spin along the coast. Just felt good to be on the roads less traveled and alone. 

It was Jennings, Lake Arthur, Gueydan, Kaplan, Cow Island, Pecan Island, Grand Chenier, Oak Grove, Lake /Charles, Iowa, /Welch, Jennings on my 190 mile cruise this dayu starting at 11A and ending at 2:30Pm

Did have problems with the mouse battery going out really fast so went and bought another Keyboard/.Mouse combo and a little different. Love it.

The next even in the last month was not good for me at all. Got up at about 10:30PM for a bathroom call. Then woke up about 2:30AM and my world went BAD. Dizzy as heck, Could not stand up, had to crawl to the bathroom and get myself seated to urinate. Crawl back to bed. What the HECK! Was thinking. Oh well, it this how my ending on life is gonna be? Did manage about 5:30 to get to my room and chair hanging on to everything along the way.
Next step, Emergency room time so called her sister and they took me to the hospital here. Wuz able to stand as long as holding on to something and after about an hour , just me on my feet with no aids. All kinds of tests showed nothing. Doc Wilder was the next move on Monday and more tests. But doing much better by then.
Just the mornings and anytime I lay down, it's a big effort waiting on the head to clear enuff to walk with out hanging on to everything around.
Vertigo is the problem. Better now , almost 3 weeks later, but still very slow getting up from laying down. Even kneeling / squatting and getting back up bring dizziness. Have to really be careful.

Next thing in line is work on Da Wagon. 2 new tires that should be in today or tomorrow. No hurry. New pressure sensors for the wheels that the tires go on. Checking the last new tires I had put on a month ago and have a bit of a wobble at 20 to 25 mph.

And that about wraps out the happenings for me.

Da wife, well, not good for her as fixing to have a minor surgery on the bottom end for a protruding piece of flesh. Was suggested to her 2 months ago but she didn't want and now suffering with it. And I don't even think of tell her what to do. LOL! Just say > " Your Choice " . Safer that way for me. ha ha ha ha .

So , till the next.