27 August 2024


Aug 21

Well, the lab tech was out sick so no blood work today.

To the graveyard for my walk, Had to wash my bedding this morning as I somehow stabbed my inner nose with my fingernail and bled on the sheets, pillow and mattress , just a spot on the mattress. Tried washing the blood out of the sheets and no go so in the trash. As we have so many of them and only 2 bunk beds used.

Pillow still stained a bit but drying outside.

And you can bet fingernails cut short. And filed.

Now , breakfast and next is grass cutting.

Aug 22
One garden plot, tilled , racked, grass removed and put into 2 rows. Ready to transplant some stuff. Tomorrow! Done enuff sweating for the day. LOL!
One pair of missing glasses found but damaged by the rotary tiller. Oh well, at least I now know where they went.

Aug 23
Light cloud cover hides all else in the sky. Fresh pot of coffee ready as I come in the door and head for my room.
Do have a thing or two to do this morning. 8AM to the Doctor's office for blood work. Gas up my ride. Play with the garden in the back yard transferring some of the plants coming up.
For grins, pulled my big camera bag off the shelf to see what all was in it. Bet have not used it in 3 or more years. All Canon stuff for sure. EOS Rebel T3i camera, Lens = 28x135 ( what's on it. ) Then in the bag - = 18 X 55, 55 x 250, 50 mm and a 2x Converter. No battery in the camera or Flash.
Then in another drawer, 2 old cameras unused for years. a Konica Minolta DiMAGE Z6 and a Nikon Coolpix. Can't remember the last time I used them.
The ones I do use in order of usage > Canon M50 with the 18X150 lens ( also have a 15X45 and 55X200 for it. ) < the most used. Then two Canon G16's < next in line of usage > and last a Canon SX50HS still use once in a while.
Oh yes, do take some pics with my phone and would put it a 4th most used.
While had 3 of them on my desk.
Left Canon G16 Middle Nikon Coolpix Right Dimage Z6

And for sure, not gonna run out of wine here.

Aug 25
Well back from Loggerheads Bar listening to music and songs from a guy playing. A glass of wine and a bit a talking to the two girls working. Both been there for a long time and are great friends.
A bit of rain most the way back with a good heavy shower at Lacassine.
Home, sipping on a fig wine and da bride off to see her sister and sisters Son and wife. Loaded her up with Wine for Dee. LOL

Today! An upcoming trip to my cardio peeps in LC town at 1PM.
Till the next.

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