13 August 2024

 Wow! The 13th day of August already yes! 

  Did trip to the garage to check on things in there > all good.

Then to the shop. Did transfer my last 1.5 L bottle of Fig wine to 187ml bottles. Then washed the 1.5 l bottle. Did decide to put 2.5 frozen blackberry gallon bags from freezer to plastic bucket for next batch of wine.

Hi ya Saturday and the 3rd day of August. Thermo under the carport was showing 82F as I walked out to the shop and garage to put empty bottles up and get SD card out of the Canon M50 in the Traverse.
Did see some farmers at work yesterday afternoon but only one field were they close enuff to get a couple pictures. There were 2 combines full of rice waiting on the field haulers.
Did stop by Matt's Appliances here in town to see about a used freezer as my little one is not doing the job. But it was iffy since getting it for 100 bucks a few years ago and never liked that it had no thermostat, just run always.
So, later this morning the trailer gets attached to the Traverse and we make that 4 block trip to bring a bigger and way more better little freeze home and put it to work in the shop. And the old one to the side of the road for sure.
Do need to finish weed eating in the back yard and that's it for the day I think. Unless the Winds blow something else my way.

New freezer in place and working good.

Lunch at Greens and very good. Fried pork chops or baked chicken both with rice dressing, baked beans, and macaroni salad. Dee and Brenda went with the pork chops, me - The baked chicken.
Then a ride about and decide to swing by the Lorraine Bridge as had not been there in a long time. Got out and sat on the warf awhile and watch 2 alligators roam about.

And of course, my gals.

One yard,. weed eated,. outline with walk behind mower and cut with riding mower. We Done!!!!!!!!!!
Chill for a bit then for sure wine time somewhere's .
94F out there at present but 81 in this room. Soooo much cooler. LOL
Hmmmm wonder what's happening at Lake Arthur? I'm sure the LA Bar might know. LOL

Picture of my return home from cutting sis in laws yard. And how the trailer gets to load/unload my lawnmower. Trailer so light without lawnmower that I juist unhook it and push it be hand into the garage and it's place.

Wine chores done deal with new batch of blackberry wine doing a set of bubble about ever 8 seconds and transferred to 3 gallon carboy bottle.

10 Aug What an afternoon getting Da Bride set up with a new phone. But a done deal and now for her to learn it. Probably about a 3 hour ordeal for her to make up her mind then to get the phone set up. LOL A trip to AT&T , then to Walmart, then back to AT&T. Whew! Glad that's over.
A new experience was lunch at Chili's in Crowley as we were there to see if her lost purse and phone were there as she's has no clue where she left them. Not there so decided to eat lunch there.

Today Checked on Grape wine this morning to see how the clearing agent worked. Love it.
Cleared to the left and before to the right.
Both taste the same according to da bride and my weird taste buds. 😉

Also this morning was washing both vehicles and next is wine work. After I dry off. LOL

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