20 August 2024

Hello 20th Day of August

 Wow 20th day already arrives and me with it.  YES! 

Well , did finish the Blackberry wine to the wife's taste so bottled it. 

Then , as a friend gave me 6 gallon bags of Muscadine Grapes, just had to start a batch with them. 
Now in the bubbling stage still. 

The 3 gallon container and what I have on the table from some fig and grape wine. 

Still getting my mile in at the graveyard most days.  Just so many I knew personally. Friends . Over 50 in the section I walked yesterday and 40 in the section I walked this morning.  Hate to think how many in the whole grave yard. 

A picture from my Map My Walk on my phone. From yesterday. Today was the Garden of Angels and G section in the City part. 

And did finish spading the little section behine the shop. Have no clue yets what I'm gonna plant.  Probably transfer some plant out on one of the barrels. 

Forgot what I planted in the barrels but will transfer most to the top picture. 

Next on the menu is get ready for Doctor appointment in Lake Charles. They have an ultrasound test they wish to do. ;-) AT 1:20PM. 
And that about catches me up till today on life in my world.  

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