03 August 2024

August Arrives!!!!!!

 Hello August!   Wonder what you're gonna have for me ?????

Wine production proceeding nicely. 

Banana Wine ready. 
And starting on some black berry as is the wife's favorite. 

Daily rides in the country to see how the farmers are doing with rice cutting. Weather has been much better the last few days but very hot. Did get a couple pictures yesterday . 

Combine full and waiting on wagon to empty his load to go on cutting. Saw two of them in this state in this area. 

And the Cart to unload the Combines on the way from the trucks back to the waiting combines. 

Did stop at a store yesterday afternoon to see about another freezer for my wine making stuff. Still have lots of figs and blackberries.  Did find a 2nd hand one at a place a few blocks from me and will go get it this morning.  
Then we'll see what the rest of the day brings. 

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